Tada−Dada of Alangri−Gloriban
(written in pure cosmopolitanic jargon and with unique style japonee)


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(例)〔What a foolish fellow who sings ‘Oiwake’ with Mandoline accompane'e ?〕

  Ich Moi bin an Aristocratic Proletariat and an inverted Idealist who contradict himself for ever.
  I have just got the conviction of such an audacious fellow who can even plagiarize[#「plagiarize」は斜体] quite at home, and neologize[#「neologize」は斜体] quite at random like my dear grand Laurence Sterne (who is the Greatest Dadaist[#「Dadaist」は斜体] ever born in the world, born only too early, and lived and died miserably for the sake of his great Dada[#「Dada」は斜体].)
  To invert Max Stirner into pArt―isn't this another Dadaism ?
  Dada−o−koneru[#「Dada−o−koneru」は斜体],―this “Stray−Leaves Bohemique” is nothing but Dada[#「Dada」は斜体] of poor nameless grasses trampled and dispised under…
  Who is the man who plays “Traumerei” on Shakuhati[#「Shakuhati」は斜体] ?
  〔What a foolish fellow who sings ‘Oiwake’ with Mandoline accompane'e ?〕
  〔Erochinko nekoronde', embracing his old Guitara is humming my favourite petit Russian Melody.〕
  It was just then I sang ‘Oiwake’ for him.
  Is there such a beautiful Melody in Japan―sweet and melancholic as ours―?
  ‘Oui, my dear―’
  Fellow Kokusky, a little timid like a rabbit, and sly as well as envious like a fox, (still I love him !) made a caricature of me, and flattered, saying ‘His Shakuhachi sparks some Genius.’―Ha ! ha ! ha !
  Eating cutlets like splinters, and drinking beer with curious smell, and singing 〔‘Chanson d'O^ryokko^’〕……and how funny !―Here's a fellow recollecting Spinoza's Image. Such a funny fellow surely exists―but ’tis no wonder !
  Let Chopin play his favorite ‘Nocturne,’ and rise the curtain.
  Soft and amiable Twilight with her lightly steps slowly comes into the

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